So tomorrow is my best friend's sister's wedding shower. I really want to go but the thought of taking a 2 year old to a wedding shower is not just making my stomach do flips, it's putting on entire olympic show. I keep picturing his little fingers poking every cupcake, ripping into the bride-to-be's gifts, spilling drinks, stepping on toes, you know the usual two year old problems. Plus while keeping up with him I'll also have to keep my, now teething, 5 month old calm. There will be other kids there but I just KNOW it will be my child that causes all the problems.
Also, we had to buy 2 new tires yesterday because one of our front tires was shredded. We also had to get new drivers lisences because my husband's was already expired and mine was going to expire on the 15th. So that was about $140 that we had come out of our budget and quite frankly who wants to go to a wedding shower with a cheap gift or even worse no gift at all? YIKES!
Anyway, I'll sleep on it and we'll see how it goes.
Oh and happy 22nd birthday to my best friend (another pro to going tomorrow, I'll get to see her!)
Our tire